Sorry but I had to add this line to make the page look right. Sorry but I had to add this line to make the page look right.
* Plans
- Fix broken links
- Add links to Pages of Now and
Forever, Toys for Bob, The Ultranomicon, and the sourceforge
download page of The Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control 2)
- Fix chat page
- Change quasispace to a shortcut
no-fun walkthrough.
- Change hyperspace to a normal
- Make a mobile site
- Get a wife/life
- Add new browser compatible audio
- Port Ur-Quan Masters to Java for online browser playing
* 20 – 22 June 2011
- Some content changes to home page
- Removed chips and bits online store (never got a cent)
- Removed netscape or die button (RIP netscape)
- Removed modplug song of the update day (Lets hope I add audio
to the site again)
- Removed stupid links to wipe your windows hard disk (they
didn't work :'( )
- Some changes to disclaimer.
* 1 September 2004
- Recombined site since the split
caused music and pics not to be loaded because free.prohosting.com
does not allow outside links
- Updated Hyperspace/Local links
- Small story update in Hawkins' Human Starbase
* 31 August 2004
- Split site to remove banners
- Updated Home page
- Updated email address
- Updated frames menu
- Changed all base addresses to
- Updated Hyperspace/Local links
- Removed REDHAT LINUX links and
- Small story update in Hawkins' Human Starbase
* 4 December 2000
- Added REDHAT LINUX links and
- Small story update in Hawkins' Human Starbase
* 28 November 2000
- Updated Hawkins' Human Starbase
- Updated Home page
- Fixed link to Storehouse from
no-frames home page
- Updated Storehouse
- Updated Action, RPG, Simulator,
Strategy and Other C&B game store links
- Changed all Modplug references to
- Changed all Chips&bits
addresses to www.chipsbits.com
- Changed all base addresses to
- Removed from all quicklinks cos it
wasn't really working: mael-num page links
- Removed from all quicklinks alt text: (Ur-quan pages),
(Spathi pages)
* 27 June 2000
* 12 January 2000
- Updated Home page
- Updated Storehouse
- Updated Quasispace/Links
- Updated Hyperspace/Local links
- Small story update in Hawkins'
Human Starbase
- Did spelling checks in the pages I
- Removed all linkexchange banners,
counters and the siteinspectors cos I found out they are owned by
- Other unnoticeable updates in various pages
* 1 January 2000
- Added JavaScript to the start and
frames' menus
- Changed mod files so they download
faster. Had to sacrifice a little sound quality but its not
very noticeable
- Updated Home page
- Updated Help page
- Small story update in Hawkins'
Human Starbase
- Did spelling checks in the pages I updated
* 30 July 1999
- Small story update in Hawkins'
Human Starbase
- Updated Cargo/Downloads page
- Had to update all text pages because of the way the updates
date is noted. I will not be mentioning this again.
* 4-6 July 1999
- Small story update in Hawkins'
Human Starbase
- Updated Home page
- Fixed all no-frames pages to look
better when viewed in 1024x768 mode (I don't actually support
anything but 800x600)
- Updated Hyperspace/Local links
- Finished text-only pages to equal
stages than that of the frames pages
- Finished no-frames pages to equal
stages than that of the frames pages
- Unnoticeable updates in nearly all pages, really
unnoticeable, I actually shouldn't even mention it
I worked very hard and very long on
these updates so if something is still wrong pleaz e-mail me before I
start studying again
* 5 June 1999
- Updated Cargo/Downloads
- Updated Star Control II Music box
* 29/30 May 1999
- Updated Home page: THE DESTRUCTIVE
- Updated (my) Chips&Bits online
game store (only frames version)
- Updated Quasispace/Links
- Updated Hyperspace/Local links
- Updated Cargo/Downloads
* 28 May 1999
- Updated Home page
- Updated Help
- Updated Navigate/Pictures pages
- Updated Star Control pictures
- Updated Star Control II pictures
- Added Star Control 3 pictures
pages :o)
- Updated #StarControl chat pages
- Updated Human Starbase
- Updated Quasispace/Links
When will I ever add a text only, no
music alternative to my site? Maybe about 4 days into the
coming holiday that starts somewhere near the end of June, though I
really wanted to complete the site totally before I did this.
* 1 May 1999
- Updated Home page
- Updated Human Starbase
* 28 March 1999
- Updated Home page
- Changed LinkExchange Banner (LE
randomly puts my banner on other people's pages so it will never be
on my page)
- Updated Star Control II Music Box
(let me know if you liked the old one better)
- Ok, ok. So now I actually uploaded
all the stuff I worked on the weekend, so shoot me
- Updated all graphics,... AGAIN! (its a LOT of work)
* 26/27 March 1999
- Upgraded all graphics, they are
now smaller and better quality
- Updated all pages that used or
referred to previous graphics
- Added new counter, guestbook and
stuff at the index
- Added My Chat room
- Updated the Navigate/Chat rooms
- Updated Hyperspace/Local Links
- Added #StarControl Chat page
- Updated the Navigate/Chat rooms
- Added Arilou song to Music box
- Updated Hyperspace/Local Links
(also squashed some bugs there)
- Updated Home page
* 6/7 February 1999
- Updated the Device/Pictures Frames
- Added Star Control pictures Frames
- Added Star Control II pictures
Frames page(uncompleted, still have to add the pictures)
- Updated the Device/Pictures pages
- Added Star Control pictures
No-Frames page
- Added Star Control II pictures
No-Frames page
- Completed Star Control II pictures
Frames page
- Updated Hyperspace/Local Links
* 30 January 1999
- Added new counter. It still
looks the same however
- Added SiteInspector thing.
- Re-uploaded index/start page
- Submitted Site to seven search
engines(Alta Vista, webcrawler, ...)
- Small story update in Hawkins'
Human Starbase
- Updated links in Cargo/Downloads
* 22 January 1999
- Added Star Control II Music box.
It can be reached from Hawkins' Human Starbase
- Added Star Control II Music box link in Hyperspace / Local
* 18 January 1999
- Enabled Fwiffo's ship in menu to
take you to SpathiX's site. This is why all the no-frames
pages was updated.
- Corrected some spelling mistakes
and names in Quasispace/Links
- Updated Homepage: Added some
- Updated Help section: Added 404
help and removed line-breaks
- Updated Hyperspace/Local links:
Added more links
- Updated Cargo/Downloads: Added official download links
Will upload updates on weekends from
now on so pleaz be patient.
* 7 January 1999
- Updated/changed the
Cargo/downloads area
- Small update in Quasispace/Links
- Updated the page that loads the
frames, because on some screens that uses large fonts it made a
scroll bar in the menu that hides the picture
- Updated the no-frames version of
the pages (There were some very ugly bugs in there)
- Small almost unnoticeable updates in nearly all pages
* 6 January 1999
- Added no-frames version of pages as they are now
* 3 January 1999
- Added old counter
- Added banners and advertisements
- Added a couple of pages that
doesn't go anywhere but closes all the links so that you never get
the fourohfour error page
- Added the no-frames home page
* 2 January 1999
- Added Backgrounds
- Added a couple more pages
- Added some links and downloads
- Added music to all pages
- Upgraded all existing pages
* 1 January 1999
- Totally redid the site.
Constructed it to work optimum with Netscape Communicator 4.05.
Used Netscape Composer to create the pages and optimized them with
Wordpad. Might not finish the site today so another update
will be needed to complete it.
- The Frames version will be the
first one up, after that the no-frames version and then the
- Basic Groundwork for the frames version has been set up and
will continue through the night with updates and uploads.