In here you will find all kind of things associated with
Star Control 1 & 2.
Go to my Star
Control Page, also called Hawkins' Human
And the song of the day is:......There is none.
I am pulling the plug on modplug since it is not maintained anymore
and supporting it in new browsers are too much hassle for the average
user. Might move over to some new audio system for the site if I am
I think my original vision of the site was as a way to
play Star Control 2 online. This turned into a way to distribute the
game and build a larger fan base. Of course I got a job and traded
time for money, which meant I could finally host my own fan web site
but had no time to work on it. So lets hope the next update doesn't
take 7 years again.
This page was last updated on
The name Star Control, the name Star Control II and Star Control 3 are copyright of accolade. All characters and plot/storyline in Star Control and Star Control II are copyright of Toys for Bob which they have made open source. All proprietary materials downloaded from this site or links from links from this site must be deleted within 24 hours after which you maybe be held legally responsible. Proprietary programs and games downloaded through links that can be traced back to this site should be deleted after 24 hours. If you download these games and you like them please go buy them. If you do not like them you would delete them anyway, so moot point really.